
As the name suggests, this is a 1 click miner for all GPU coins viz Ethereum, Zcash, Bitcoin Gold, Ubiq etc. It uses the tried and tested Mining softwares like Claymore, EWBF internally and keeps all the complications of using them hidden from the end user. It is especially built to handle situations when you have both AMD and Nvidia cards and have to use different softwares to mine on both cards. The primary goal of this software is user experience and making mining as easy as possible.

The name might hold a subtle reference to the ‘One Ring” from ‘Lord of the Rings’ but it holds no delusions of grandeur about its supremacy :).

Download from Github


Screenshot of a 6 GPU Rig mining ZCash with 3 AMD and 3 NVidia cards

Running View

Reasons to Use

The main reason to use this tool is that setting up a miner is difficult. Especially if you have different GPU cards or if you want to switch between mining different coins or to different wallet adddresses. It becomes a lot script heavy to handle such situations. This tool was built to have all such functionality in 1 place. It is open source hence anyone can download the code/tool and use it as is or make modifications to suit his needs.

For instance, my prime motive behind the creation of this tool was that I have a miner with both Nvidia and AMD cards. I was using Claymore miner for AMD and EWBF for Nvidia while mining Zcash. But sometimes when the newtwork is down the EWBF miner would die and never come back up. I had to manually launch it later. Writing scripts for everything was getting tedious. So I thought of creating this tool which would benefit everyone.

I tried out things like Awesome Miner and Minergate but both being closed source they where neither trustworthy nor extensible. With this project I intend to create a one stop tool which can mine almost anything and in as little steps as possible and which could be extended by anyone to meet his needs.

I would like to hear your feedback and thoughts if any. Please use the github issue tracker to notify me of any issues or enhanement requests or send a mail to


Below are some of the features for first release

  1. Mine any GPU based coins(Ethereum, Zcash, Monero, Bitcoin Gold, Electroneum, Zencash, Ethereum Classic, Ubiq, Expanse, ZClassic )
  2. CPU mining with Monero and Electroneum
  3. Support mixed GPUs. Nvidia and AMD
  4. Easy switch between different configured miners. Mine different coins with ease.
  5. Mine on Startup
  6. Automatically restart miner in case of crash or accidental close. eg: Zcash EWBF miner would always close on network unavailablity.
  7. Open source. so no fear of hashrate stealing like in Minergate.
  8. 1 click Jump to pool account
  9. CrytoNight based coins viz. Monero, Electroneum has been added in v1.8 onwards on AMD Radeon GPUs and CPU.


If you would like to support this project, your donations would be greatly appreciated







How to use

System requirements

  1. Currently supports only Windows 7 and upwards
  2. .Net Framework 4.5

Future Planned Features

Nvidia known issue with Monero/Cryptonight

Nvidia(ccminer) has been found to be a bit unstable on cryptonight. Some antivirus wrongly classifies ccminer as a virus. This in turn makes it to classify OneMiner as a virus. In the current release, Nvidia is supported but not selected by default while creating a new miner. But it can be manually selected from checkbox in the scripts tab. Use it only if you need it. In future if AV becomes a problem, Nvidia for Cryptonight will not be supported in the main OneMiner release. It might however be provided as a seperate release candidate. Also monitoring of hashrate and shares are not currently supported for Nvidia for cryptonight coins.

  1. Either an exception will have to be added to Antivirus or Antivirus will have to be disabled for it.
  2. Monero mining on Nvidia requires Visual studio redistributables to be installed.

Screenshots of different screens

  1. Miner options menu on Right click on Miner list

Miner options

  1. Adding a Miner

Adding a Miner

  1. Minner Settings

You can select any pool. Even the ones which are not present in the list. Be sure to give correpsonding Pool Account link so you can quickly access it when needed. Adding a Miner

  1. Script Tab

You can edit everything about the miner from the script tab. It will have subtabe for individual miner programs. No matter what is shown in UI or configured outside, this script is what would run finally. So editing this would give you maximum control. Also you can switch on/off AMD/NVidia miners individually using the chackboxes. Adding a Miner


  1. Fork this repo to your github account
  2. Clone the repo to your machine git clone<yourusername>/OneMiner
  3. Make sure you are in the project directory, then run git remote add upstream
  4. Make sure you are on the master branch, run git pull --rebase upstream master. This will insure you are up-to-date with main repo.
  5. Finally, create a branch and fix/improve something.